Extraordinary Self-Care as Daily Practice? Yes. Really.

Why Practice Self-Care? Really. - Life Coaching with Teresa Young

We all want the lives we want, right? The lives we’re working for and deserve.

So how exactly—and why—does the daily practice of extraordinary self-care matter in a culture chock full of ambitious individualists? Get ready for this news flash, friends:  because the nose-to-the-grindstone success model you may be sweating is… well… history.

To get in on what’s possible in 21st century life, it’s truly time for a new kind of superpower:  extraordinary self-care, routinely. Now stay with me while I break down my take on what that means, toward everything you intend to be and do. Continue reading “Extraordinary Self-Care as Daily Practice? Yes. Really.”

Why in the World Would You Want (and Deserve) Life Coaching?

Why Life Coaching - with Teresa Young

First some truth: there was a time when I regularly asked myself, “why life coaching?”

Because, honestly, I cringed at the term. Despite my passion for the profession, I tap-danced all around that particular phrase when describing what I feel privileged to do. It was funny, really. Life coaching just felt cliché.

But then one intense day, a very special lady in my life, my elderly mother, unexpectedly ended all that. She got down to the essence of things the way moms do, saying, “Why beat around the bush? You’re a life coach.”

Great big wave of her little hand. Great big emphasis on life while—more truth here—at the end of her own. So, instead of feeling annoyed by her opinion, it was instant goose-bump city for me. Long story short, cut to now:  I’m a life coach.

So what is life coaching, really?

A few weeks ago I happened onto an insightful article about coaching. The author provided short definitions for different types. But her take on life coaching felt narrow to me. She described it as being about personal change, with niches within it like youth, addiction, and divorce. Continue reading “Why in the World Would You Want (and Deserve) Life Coaching?”

On Positive Mindset: Rock These 8 Fun Steps for Maximum Badaddness

Rock a Positive Mindset - with Life Coach Teresa Young

Ready for maximum enjoyment and badaddness on a daily basis?

Then your positive mindset is the ticket. Because the truth is that you, despite all the parts and pieces of you that can be quite a cast of inner characters, can be your own personal cheerleader-in-chief. And on call, as needed, on the daily.

You can in fact allow only helpful thoughts, with a clear call to take a hike to all else that may want its negative say. What’s more, it can be fun, yo!

Ready to play? Just say yes. Then off we go:

1.  Sniff like a bloodhound for negative voices.

You may not have a natural ability to notice “voices” inside you, thoughts that are discouraged or fearful for whatever reason, or that are just plain struggling to trust that the life you want is possible. But like any skill that you work at, you can learn to do this. Let’s go there.

First, work to notice those “you can’t” or “the sky is falling” voices when they strike. The “what does it matter, it’s all bullshit anyway” variety. What else do they say, exactly? Listen closely.

Continue reading “On Positive Mindset: Rock These 8 Fun Steps for Maximum Badaddness”

You’re Afraid. So What? Now Just Befriend Your Fear to Loosen Its Grip.

Befriend Your Fear - with Life Coach Teresa Young

Say what? Befriend a fear?

I know. I know it sounds crazy. But stay with me here. Because the truth is, that fearful voice in you may be for you in a way.

Think about it. Imagine it. Then step on into the game this friendly neighborhood life coach is encouraging you to play.

Yes, befriend your fear. Try it right here.

After all, we each have our own version of Aunt Agnes Who Made Us Nervous, Professor What’s His Name who demanded perfection, or that jacked-up little league baseball coach whose rants you internalized. So let’s get strategic. Continue reading “You’re Afraid. So What? Now Just Befriend Your Fear to Loosen Its Grip.”

Ready for Some SuRpriSe in Your Life?

Invite Surprise with Life Coach Teresa Young

Hungry to change things up? 

When’s the last time you got a surprise from someone, or from Life itself? And I do mean the good kind.

Can’t remember? Ready to change that? Well, then it’s time to invite some surprise into your life.

Because the truth is that often, for all our talk of wanting more of this or a different that, we tend to travel the same well-worn paths over and over. We “soldier on”, acting out habits that have grown stale.

And those habits may include ignoring casual daydreams—or rich fantasies—of adventure or change. Instead, we stay in our well-worn lanes.

Continue reading “Ready for Some SuRpriSe in Your Life?”

The How of Happiness: Capacity is the Secret Key

Ah, happiness. How? ~ Teresa Young

Ah, happiness. It’s one of life’s holy grails. But how to find it?

The truth is that we often seek happiness, like distant treasure we’re determined to find. Someday, somewhere, off in the hazy future, where the grass is greener, all our wishes and dreams will be fulfilled. Then we’ll “be happy.”

But what do we really need to be happy?

Back when my oldest son first went away to college, I had a realization that has stuck: that my dream for him—and now for all of us–was and is simply the capacity for happiness. As I was letting go of the little guy who had grown into a young man, nothing else I could want for him even came close.

So now, today, what thoughts and feelings come up as you consider these questions:

On a scale of 1 to 10, what’s your capacity for happiness, without conditions?

What, exactly, makes you happy?

How can you live your life to fit that truth?

What’s first, the chicken, or the egg?

Consider what really comes first, my dears:  happiness, or the conditions we think we need to meet to have it? And a bit more truth-telling from me will take us deeper. Continue reading “The How of Happiness: Capacity is the Secret Key”

Reflecting on Grief, That Age-Old Walk Through Dark Country

Reflecting on Grief - Life Coaching with Teresa Young

I’m reflecting on a setback I’m having right… now.

And after a good day yesterday. A phone session with an inspiring new client, lessons with two super-fun students, an empathic hug from their sweet mom. Poker night with two of my sons and their ladies. Then, boom. Grief storm. I cried off and on all night.

And yet, I also know everything is OK. It’s just a natural expression of the yin and yang of all things, including grieving. Continue reading “Reflecting on Grief, That Age-Old Walk Through Dark Country”

What is Life Coaching Anyway, You Say?

What Is Life Coaching? - Life Coaching with Teresa Young

Let’s start with what you do know.

As in, what is coaching? Well, think football. Basketball. Golf. The Olympics.

Got it instantly, right? Now. Can you picture sports teams—or their star players—bringing their best to the game at hand without their coaches?

Next, widen that view to me and you. Because life has been changing lightning fast since the late 20th century. And never more so than now. Continue reading “What is Life Coaching Anyway, You Say?”