Black Sabbath’s Changes ~ sheet music

Black Sabbath’s Changes ~ sheet music

Teresa Young‘s arrangements of Black Sabbath’s ageless Changes came about after a hardcore musician with deep rock music knowledge pronounced it one of THE most beautiful ballads in the annals of heavy music. Since you’re reading this description, you may agree.

Teresa’s piano/vocal/guitar version is quite true to Black Sabbath’s piano-centric rendition, with the addition of guitar chord diagrams. Her second arrangement below is for piano and vocalist. The third is a simple 2-page lead sheet containing only melody, lyrics, and chords. Nice to have choices, right?

Preview and purchase Changes for piano, voice and guitar here

Preview and purchase Changes for piano and voice here

And review and purchase Teresa’s Changes lead sheet here

Lastly, contact Teresa for an online lesson on this piece here!

Product Details

Black Sabbath

Frank Iommi, John Osbourne, Terence Butler and William Ward

Digital Sheet Music


Teresa Young

Teresa’s growing collection of published sheet music includes a wide range of genres and skill levels.

You’ll find pop, rock, jazz, traditional, and sacred pieces in her collection, from Steven Universe, Billie Eilish , LP, and Marina to Bob Dylan, The Moody Blues, David Crosby, JVKE, Lou Reed, Miles Teller from Top Gun: Maverick, Frank Sinatra, and Psalm 126!

So keep checking back here for more.

Arranging music has become a central pleasure in Teresa’s life. So be sure to check back here for more titles published regularly.

Or get in touch!

If you’re looking for a favorite piece to interpret and not finding it, get in touch with Teresa here to request a custom arrangement.


It’s all part of my journey.
I’ve done a lot of stupid things,
but you learn by your mistakes.
—Ozzy Osbourne